Frequently asked questions about free .pdf to .doc conversion software
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Frequently Asked Questions

  • Why PDF to Word Doc Converter is FREE?

    One day when I was looking for a free desktop program to convert my .pdf files to .doc files I found none. And the shareware pdf conversion software is very expensive. So in my spare time I wrote this free program to help people who want to convert PDF to Word documents.
  • Does Free PDF to Word Doc Converter support all the PDF files?

    Almost yes. The program can open Adobe PDF 1.0 - 1.6. That includes 95+% PDF files downloaded from the internet as my tests. If you can not open a PDF file with this program, please contact me.
  • How can the layout of PDF file be preserved when converted to Doc?

    I use two ways to keep the layout of the PDF file. The normal way is to try to keep the spacing of the texts, images, shapes as the source file; And if you check the "Use Text box" option, the program will create positive-position containers for all the texts/images/shapes.
  • Why sometimes the layout of output Doc file is much different from the PDF file?

    When the original PDF file's layout is very complex, this may happen. To have a better result you'd better check the "Use Text box" opiton. And open the output Doc file with Microsoft Word, which is the best to read Doc file.
  • Which languages can Free PDF to Word Doc Converter support?

    I'm sorry that current version of this program can only convert English PDF files. I'm still developing so that the program can support multi languages and it may come soon.
  • Why it says cannot contacting when authorizing the FREE registration code?

    Everyone can get a free registration code after answering a simple math question. When verifying the code, be sure to connect to the internet and Free PDF to Word Doc converter not being blocked by any Firewall software in your Windows system. Visit for details.
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